Dustin is 17. Dustin has a moderately mentally handicapped status. He was adopted from foster care and has been with us 11 years this June. He has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and has some other severe issues. He struggles with bowel obstructions and I hope this diet will help eliminate those stomach issues. Some families have had success in curbing some impulse behaviors with limiting gluten and dairy for kids with Fetal Alcohol as well. It will be interesting to see what this diet does for him.

Harrison is 9 and is in 4th grade. He was our first bio child. He is currently on medication for ADHD. We hope that we can eliminate that with this diet in the future. We shall see. He also struggles some bowel issues as well as asthma. He has always loved vegetables and fruit and has never really cared for meat. He has been the easiest to transition to the diet. He is quite bright and understands the importance of being healthy and making this change. Harrison has gained weight on this diet which is amazing for him!

McCartney is 8 and is our only girl and last bio child. She has her own issues that we hope can be lessened with this new way of eating. The pediatrician was concerned about her chronic bowel condition enough to suggest we eliminate all dairy and sent us on this journey. She complains for stomach aches almost daily. That is beginning to decrease a bit. She has been our most resistant to the changes, but she is really coming around! I believe it is possible that she may have issues with gluten as well. McCartney has lost approximately 6 pounds on this diet. She gained 30 pounds after starting a new medication last year and has struggled to get it off even after stopping the med. She is thrilled that her clothes fit better!
(names are actual)
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